Marijuana Abuse Early Warning Signs

Marijuana users are difficult to recognize unless they are under the influence of the drug at the time of observation. Casual users may show none of the general symptoms.

  • rapid, loud talking and bursts of laughter in early stages of intoxication
  • sleepy or stuporous in the later stages
  • forgetfulness in conversation
  • inflammation in whites of eyes; pupils unlikely to be dilated
  • odor similar to burnt rope on clothing or breath
  • tendency to drive slowly - below speed limit
  • distorted sense of time passage - tendency to overestimate time intervals
  • use or possession of paraphernalia including roach clip, packs of rolling papers, pipes or bongs

With the stronger oils, wax, edibles, Psychotic Behavior is a sign of THC overload.  

In the 1980's, the above amount of THC in the urine of a "two joint a day" marijuana smoker was about 200 ng/ml.  With todays delivery systems and more potent drug, we are seeing levels in urine in excess of 5000 ng/ml.

Our brains are not designed to handle this level of impairment, thus we are seeing significant increase in psychiatric symptoms and psychotic and delusional behavior in "pot" users.